Land at
West Wincanton
Thank you to everyone who participated in our pre-application consultation in October 2023, whether that was attending the public exhibition, visiting the website, or taking the time to send in feedback forms to us. Following the consultation period, we have reviewed all comments received from the public and other stakeholders and our responses can be found in the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) submitted with the planning application. Following this process we have revisited the proposals and technical site evidence and made the following key changes to the proposals:
The active travel strategy, which includes pedestrian and cycle routes, has been revised to provide additional desire lines providing greater choice of routes and to respond better to the site’s topography.
The water attenuation features have been refined and remodelled. They will be planted and managed for additional nature conservation value thus forming attractive green corridors.
The proposed school site has been relocated to more favourable terrain. An indicative ‘school arrangement study’ was carried out by Origin3 and presented to Somerset Education Authority and has been agreed in principle.
Playing pitches were removed from the masterplan following agreement with the Council to make a financial contribution towards improvements at Wincanton Sports Ground. The provision and location of a non-lit MUGA on site was also agreed.
Introduction of allotment areas to the north and east, to complement food production opportunities on site.
The building heights strategy was revised to soften long range views into the site complemented with additional planting.
A green buffer has been created between the existing house near to the Hook Valley Farm entrance off Lawrence Hill.
A more substantial green buffer/set back is now proposed around Hook Valley Farm.
A Design Code (Guide) (submitted with the application) will inform future development proposals by providing a checklist of design commitments intended to deliver the proposed green infrastructure, public open space, development blocks, streets, cycle routes and overall character of the residential and mixed-use neighbourhoods.
In June 2024, we submitted an Outline Planning Application (ref: 24/01257/OUT) to Somerset Council for the demolition of agricultural buildings and the development of up to 650 dwellings; up to 3.1 ha of mixed use comprising employment use class B2/B8/E(g), local centre use class E/class F, and care home; provision of primary school; pre-school/nursery; accesses from West Hill and Lawrence Hill; mobility infrastructure; new pedestrian/cycle route to the south of Lawrence Hill; open space and all associated infrastructure.
You can view the updated proposals using the links below.
on behalf of LVA
View our Proposals
If you have any comments, please email them to us at consultation@origin3.co.uk
Any personal information will be used only for the compilation and production of a Planning Application. The information will not be shared with any untrusted third parties and the information will be destroyed once the planning application has been finally determined.